Digital Signature Registration

A Digital Signature is a secure electronic form of a signature used to authenticate the identity of the sender and verify the integrity of the message or document. It is legally recognized under the Information Technology Act, 2000 in India. Digital Signature Registration is essential for e-filing documents with government departments like the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), income tax filings, and GST returns. It ensures security, confidentiality, and non-repudiation of electronic transactions.

Get Started

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Enter Your Area Pincode

Documents Required


PAN Card
Aadhaar Card
Address Proof (Utility Bill/Passport/Driving License)
Passport (for Foreign Nationals)


PAN Card of the Organization
Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership Deed
Proof of Authorized Signatory (Board Resolution/Authorization Letter)
PAN and Aadhaar Card of Authorized Signatory


PAN Card of Proprietor
Aadhaar Card of Proprietor
Address Proof (Utility Bill/Passport/Driving License)

Process Timeline

Choose the Type of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Choose between Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 based on the type of transaction and government filing. Class 3 is recommended for directors and authorized signatories of companies.

Submit Required Documents

Provide scanned copies of identity proof, address proof, and a passport-sized photograph. These documents are necessary for the verification process.

Fill in the Application Form

Complete the online application form with accurate details. Mention the purpose for which the DSC is being obtained (e.g., MCA filing, GST filing, Income Tax filing).

Verification of Documents

The registration authority will verify the submitted documents for authenticity. This process may take 1-2 business days.

Issuance of Digital Signature Certificate

Once the documents are verified, the digital signature will be issued. It will be delivered via email or can be downloaded from the certification authority’s portal.

Installation of Digital Signature

After receiving the certificate, you will need to install it on your system. Instructions will be provided to ensure proper installation.

Usage of Digital Signature

Once installed, you can use the Digital Signature for filing tax returns, signing government documents, and other online business transactions.

Find the Perfect Fit for Your Budget

Choose from our range of flexible pricing options that cater to your specific needs.


Basic Plan

A brief description goes here

Digital Signature
1-year validity


Standard Plan

A brief description goes here

Digital Signature
2-year validity


Pro Plan

A brief description goes here

Digital Signature
3-year validity

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